Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that usually occur in the presence of a skin disorder called psoriasis. Most of the time a patient is first diagnosed with psoriasis and thereafter psoriatic arthritis, however sometimes joint involvement may occur before the development of the skin lesions. Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis are both chronic conditions. Joint involvement is variable with possible flare ups and remission of symptoms.

Signs & Symptoms include:
  • Joints can be affected on one or both sides of the body
  • Pain, swelling, warm and tender to touch
  • May resemble symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis in some cases.
  • Swelling of fingers and toes
  • Skin and nail changes that may resemble a fungal infection.
  • Heel or foot pain
  • Lower back pain

There is no cure, however the condition can be managed by controlling the inflammation, decreasing pain and improving joint functionality. Good care would involve a multidisciplinary approach and therefore appropriate referral to a Rheumatologist/Dermatologist is usually needed.

  • General Podiatric care: Attending to the specific foot care needs of the patient. Management of the skin and nail condition.
  • Ensuring the use of appropriate socks and footwear
  • Management of foot pain
  • The use of gel/silicone/ other palliative and cushioning devices that can decrease pain and increase comfort.
  • Innersoles and custom made orthotics
  • Recommendation of appropriate foot and skin care products

Specialising in biomechanics, sports pathology and care for the diabetic foot, we offer a wide range of services ranging from the treatment of all conditions of the skin, nails, bone pathology and soft tissue.

Netcare Blaauwberg Hospital
Room A2-1
(Dr Christoff Marais Rooms)
Waterville Street
Cape Town

Wellness on Ladies Mile
41 Ladies Mile

Vasco Medical Centre,
83 Vasco Boulevard,
Vasco Estate, Goodwood, 7460

Grassy Park
205 3rd Avenue
Grassy Park,

Stone Village Wellness Centre
461 Main Road
Lakeside, 7945

Mitchell’s Plain
Wellness on Lords 37
Lords Ave
Weltevreden Valley
Mitchell’s Plain, 7785

42 John X Merriman Street
(Opposite MKem Pharmacy)

Mowbray / Rondebosch
Integration House 5 Robor
Cresent 7700
(Parking at 5 Harriers Road)

+27(0)21 795 0012
+27(0)63 748 3983

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