Growing Pains
Growing Pains

Are achy legs keeping your child awake at night? He or she may have growing pains.

Growing pains are cramping, achy muscle pains that some pre-schoolers and preteens feel in both legs. The pain usually occurs in the late afternoon or evenings. But it may cause your child to wake up in the middle of the night.

Growing pains usually start in early childhood, around age 3 or 4. They tend to strike again in kids aged 8-12.

Causes of Growing Pains

Despite the name “growing pains,” there is no firm evidence that growing pains are linked to growth spurts.

Instead, growing pains may simply be muscle aches due to intense childhood activities that can wear your child’s muscles out. These activities include running, jumping, and climbing. Growing pains seem to be more common after a kid has a particularly full day of sports.

Symptoms of Growing Pains

Growing pains are different for everyone. Some kids have a lot of pain, others do not. Most kids do not have pain every day.

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Netcare Blaauwberg Hospital
Room A2-1
(Dr Christoff Marais Rooms)
Waterville Street
Cape Town

Wellness on Ladies Mile
41 Ladies Mile

Vasco Medical Centre,
83 Vasco Boulevard,
Vasco Estate, Goodwood, 7460

Grassy Park
205 3rd Avenue
Grassy Park,

Stone Village Wellness Centre
461 Main Road
Lakeside, 7945

Mitchell’s Plain
Wellness on Lords 37
Lords Ave
Weltevreden Valley
Mitchell’s Plain, 7785

42 John X Merriman Street
(Opposite MKem Pharmacy)

Mowbray / Rondebosch
Integration House 5 Robor
Cresent 7700
(Parking at 5 Harriers Road)

+27(0)21 795 0012
+27(0)63 748 3983

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