Intoeing Gait / Pigeon Toed
Intoeing Gait / Pigeon Toed

An in-toeing gait is very common in children, and is a frequent complaint of many parents. In fact, an in-toeing gait (pigeon-toed) is the most common rotational deformity seen in paediatric orthopaedics. In the overwhelming majority of patients, the in-toeing will correct with growth over time.

What causes an in-toeing gait in children?

The three most common causes of in-toeing in children are femoral anteversion (twisting of the femur/thigh), internal/medial tibial torsion (twisted tibia/shin bone), and metatarsus adductus (curved foot). When the pediatric orthopaedic surgeon evaluates your child he/she will determine if the in-toeing is coming from the hips, legs, or feet.


Specialising in biomechanics, sports pathology and care for the diabetic foot, we offer a wide range of services ranging from the treatment of all conditions of the skin, nails, bone pathology and soft tissue.

Wellness on Ladies Mile
41 Ladies Mile

Vasco Medical Centre,
83 Vasco Boulevard,
Vasco Estate, Goodwood, 7460

Grassy Park
205 3rd Avenue
Grassy Park,

Stone Village Wellness Centre
461 Main Road
Lakeside, 7945

Mitchell’s Plain
Wellness on Lords 37
Lords Ave
Weltevreden Valley
Mitchell’s Plain, 7785

42 John X Merriman Street
(Opposite MKem Pharmacy)

Monte Vista
MS Physio
90C Monte Vista Boulevard
Monte Vista, 7460

Mowbray / Rondebosch
Integration House 5 Robor
Cresent 7700
(Parking at 5 Harriers Road)

+27(0)21 795 0012
+27(0)63 748 3983

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