Foot Screenings
Foot Screenings

General Foot Screening

Various aspects of the feet are examined:

  • skin status: colour, thickness, dryness, cracking
  • sweating
  • infection: check between toes for fungal infection
  • ulceration
  • corns & calluses
  • blistering
  • Nail conditions
  • deformity, e.g., claw toes, hammer toes, prominent metatarsal heads,
  • muscle wasting
  • Range of motion in joints of the foot
Neurological assessment
  • sensation using a 10-g monofilament
  • vibration using 128-Hz tuning fork
  • pinprick sensation
  • ankle reflexes
Vascular assessment
  • foot pulses


Diabetic Foot Screening

This is a routine examination mainly for diabetic patients to evaluate and monitor their lower limb vitals.

These tests can also be performed on patients complaining of vascular or neurological symptoms.

These tests involve the evaluation of the vascular system of the lower limb, the neurological components of the foot, the dermatological status of the patients lower limb and the basic evaluation of the joints, muscles and tendons of the foot and ankle.

Specialising in biomechanics, sports pathology and care for the diabetic foot, we offer a wide range of services ranging from the treatment of all conditions of the skin, nails, bone pathology and soft tissue.

Netcare Blaauwberg Hospital
Room A2-1
(Dr Christoff Marais Rooms)
Waterville Street
Cape Town

Wellness on Ladies Mile
41 Ladies Mile

Vasco Medical Centre,
83 Vasco Boulevard,
Vasco Estate, Goodwood, 7460

Grassy Park
205 3rd Avenue
Grassy Park,

Stone Village Wellness Centre
461 Main Road
Lakeside, 7945

Mitchell’s Plain
Wellness on Lords 37
Lords Ave
Weltevreden Valley
Mitchell’s Plain, 7785

42 John X Merriman Street
(Opposite MKem Pharmacy)

Mowbray / Rondebosch
Integration House 5 Robor
Cresent 7700
(Parking at 5 Harriers Road)

+27(0)21 795 0012
+27(0)63 748 3983

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